Frequently Asked Questions

What grades does GRCA include?

GRCA welcomes students from Pre-K through 12th grade.
Pre-K Qualifications
- 3 years old by September 1st of the incoming year
- Potty trained
Kindergarten Qualifications
- 5 years old by September 1st of the incoming year

What time does class start?

School Hours: 7AM - 4PM

  • We open at 7am where free breakfast is provided until approximately 8:10am.

  • We provide after school care, free of charge, until 4pm Monday - Friday. 

Class Hours

  • Elementary (Pre-K-6th Grade)
    8:15AM - 2:15PM (early release every Wednesday: 8:15AM - 1:30PM)

  • Middle (7th-8th) & High School (9th-12th)
    7:30AM - 2:15PM (early release every Wednesday: 7:30AM - 1:30PM)

Will lunch be provided?

GRCA does have an option to purchase a hot lunch, catered from Spinelli’s. The options are listed below.
- 1 Month of Meals: $100/month ($1,000/year)
- Pizza Fridays: $20/month ($200/year)
If you would like to opt in or out of either of these options, please email

Do you accept students with IEPs?

Yes, we have several students on IEPs. We do not have an official Special Education program and we do not have any licensed special educators. However, we do have our Student Support Department and we do our best to support all of our students with whatever resources we have available to us. As a private school, GRCA is not legally obligated to execute an IEP, but the IEP documents are extremely helpful to us as it includes insights into the child’s learning, lists of accommodations and modifications, goals, etc.

Is Great Rock Christian Academy a school or a homeschool co-op?

Great Rock Christian Academy is a school in its early stages. As of Monday, November 13, 2023, GRCA is officially recognized by the Town of Danvers as a private school.

What is the difference between private enrollment and homeschool co-op? 

There is no difference in regards to the education the student receives whether they are enrolled in the private school or homeschool co-op.

By enrolling as a private school studentparents are recognizing that GRCA does not currently have any sports teams and their child may not be able to play sports for the town you reside in. No further paperwork is required. For questions about sports and MIAA involvement, please contact our Head of School/Co-op at or call 781-307-2802.

By enrolling as a homeschool co-op student, a parent must apply to homeschool their child through their school district. This enables the child to play sports for the town in which they reside. By selecting this option, the parent acknowledges and accepts responsibility for knowing what their particular school district requires regarding the homeschooling of their child. This may include collecting work samples, progress reports, testing, and/or any other documents the district may require. The parent also acknowledges that they are the primary person responsible for their child's education. Individual courses are offered at $1,500 per course.

As a homeschooling family, my family will likely travel for extended periods that don’t line up with traditional school vacations. Is GRCA a good fit in accommodating a more flexible schedule?

While we do have the hybrid option that allows families to enroll their children in individual subjects, the schedule itself is not flexible. Students are expected to be at school on the scheduled school days. Absences due to travel/vacations are not considered excused, and it often ends up being a substantial amount of work for a student to get caught up on upon their return. Families would need to sign the Vacation Absentee Form, which can be found on our Parent Hub.

I’m interested in a homeschool co-op that only meets a few days a week. Can I just send my child a few days a week? Or just not send them on Fridays?

For middle and high school students, subjects meet three days per week. So if classes are strategically chosen (and not more than 2 core subjects), your child could only attend 3 days per week (Monday-Wednesday-Thursday or Tuesday-Wednesday-Friday). For elementary students, subjects meet daily, and while the hybrid option is designed to help us work with homeschooling families, we are not able to accommodate customized weekly schedules. Work missed by weekly absences would disrupt the momentum of learning in the classroom.

What curriculum do you use?

We utilize the Abeka curriculum for all grades. This curriculum will be supplemented with other resources as well. Please reference our Scope & Sequence page to read in detail about our curriculum selections.

Will my child have a transcript at the end of the year?

Yes, we will be able to issue your child a valid transcript at the end of the school year.

Is Great Rock Christian Academy an accredited school?

No. This does not mean your child’s education will not "count". The accreditation process for schools is often a lengthy process where the school needs to prove that they deliver a quality education and meet certain standards. Evidence is often based on student work samples, assessment data, etc. These pieces of the process cannot happen until a school is already established. We will have the opportunity to work towards applying for accreditation once the school has been up and running. This process often takes years.